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Children's Ministry

KidzLife Ministry

From babies to fifth graders, our team wants to give your family an excellent experience.

When you arrive, our team will happily show you the way to the children’s area. You’ll go to the first-time check-in station where you can tell us a little about your family to help us serve you well. On our check-in form we’ll ask things like what allergies your child may have, how many children are in your family, and get your contact information. 

Then, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. If for any reason we need to reach you during the service, you’ll see your child’s code on the screen. This sticker is also what you’ll use to pick up your child after the service.

The KidzLife Experience 

Every weekend, your children first through fifth grade come to a KidzLife service where they experience dynamic worship and Biblical teaching. Together, they learn about the Bible and how to have a relationship with God, memorize Scripture, and have fun developing friendships with each other.



We invite God’s presence into our lives through praise and worship, and we want your children to grow up experiencing the joy and benefit of worshipping Him. Our KidzLife services begin at 10am and 11am each Sunday.


We believe that God designed us for community, and we want your kids to build healthy relationships with other kids their age. Making friends and growing alongside their peers is an important part of their spiritual growth. Church attendance is so important!


God tells us to hide His Word in our hearts (Psalm 119:11). One of the most important ways we help your children build a biblical foundation for their lives is by filling their minds and hearts with God’s truth through Scripture exploration and memorization.

The learning focus and series topic each month will be presented through a video Bible lesson followed by age-specific guided discussions. We will work together on learning objectives like memorizing Scripture and understanding Biblical principles. 

Below is a link to 14 scriptures to pray over your children. 


We incorporate fun every Sunday, but on the 4th Sunday of each month, we have SUNDAY FUNDAY filled with lessons, games, and treats based on the month’s theme. 


For your kids to have a genuine relationship with God, build a Biblical foundation for their lives, grow with friends and leaders, and love being at church!









Nursery (Age Six Weeks to Three Years)

Our nursery is divided into two classes: BABIES (for infants from 6 weeks old to age one or until your child is confidently walking) and WALKERS (for children confidently walking up to age 3). On your child’s 4th birthday your child is promoted to the KidzLife, Jr. class.

Our nursery is staffed with professional, caring adults who provide a safe and secure environment conducive to the child's physical, social and spiritual growth. When you are confident in leaving your baby in the care of our staff, then you are able to worship with a sense of security. We have taken great care to prepare our nursery rooms to be the best environment for your baby with age appropriate toys and an opportunity to interact with others. As we hold the babies, we pray for them to receive all that God has for them in life. We believe every child we pray for will be touched by God.

Pathway considers the nursery to be an important area of ministry, both for the parent and the child.

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